Work Experience or Slavery?

One of the hot debates of the week has been the government’s planned introduction of compulsory, unpaid work experience for job seekers. Is this a genuine attempt to help people find work or are the big companies involved just taking advantage of the free labour? I have to say I’m sceptical about the system although I do think there has to be more done to support people looking for work than just paying benefits. For a work experience system to work and be sustainable it has to deliver some value to everyone involved. Continue reading

Can you get Michelin Stars for jelly?

I’m not a terrible cook, I can generally knock up the basics so when E and I decided to have a go at a jelly I was feeling quite confident. The MiL had sent us some fabby jelly moulds so I had visions of a beautiful jelly tower to wow you all with. E got some fruit ready while I dissolved the gelatin in a bit of boiling water and topped it up to a pint with orange juice. E stuck all the fruit into the mould and then made a mini orange tsunami stirring up the orange and gelatin mix. We poured the mixture over the fruit and, because the fridge was full, I took it out to the utility room to set. Luckily, the utility room is not much warmer than the fridge so I was sure it would do the job. Continue reading

I Spy…


Mum of OneI’m glad that A Mummy Too has been a bit gentler on us this week than evil Motherventing. Our letter for the week isn’t quite as challenging as X but just as fun. If you want to have a go head over to Mum Of One to link up and let us all have a guess.
So this week it is:
I spy with my
little eye something
beginning with…

So what’s this ? I haven’t really given you much of a challenge this week but it was Valentine’s Day.

Continue reading

7×7 – My favourite blog posts

Yey, memetastic! I’ve been tagged by the ever engaging Motherventing to give you a run down on seven of the best blogs I’ve read this week. It’s always nice to rave about my favourite blogs so this is no great hardship. Hubs has been in Taiwan all week which has rather cut down on my internet time but I’ve soldiered on (cue the violins for my parenting sacrifice and dedication) and managed to check out just a few (dozen). These are the best of the best: Continue reading

Footballers as role models: Asking for trouble


Footballs (Photo credit: beefy_n1)

I’ve been a bit surprised by the flaring up of the ‘Racism in Football’ issue this week. Not that it wasn’t horrible, it’s just that it doesn’t come as a surprise to me. Time after time these over grown, over paid schoolboys behave atrociously and there’s a little outcry, a slap on the wrist and then everything goes back to normal. It’s not just racism though. You get stories of them cheating on their wives, hitting their girlfriends, sleeping with hookers, speeding, drink driving and getting in fights. That’s just the stuff we hear about. What about all the rumors of even worse behaviour that the huge fortunes involved seem to make disappear?

Are these the kind of men that should become sporting heroes to our kids? I don’t expect them to be paragons of virtue but you’d think ‘no breaking the law or overt racism/sexism/homophobia’ would be an easy enough minimum standard to maintain.

I think much of the ‘unfamily friendly’ behaviour that we see on the terraces is a consequence of the terrible examples that fans see the professionals setting on and off the pitch and the atmosphere it causes. We live in the middle of Birmingham so have both Aston Villa and Birmingham City on our doorstep but I would never take E to see a match live because, even assuming nothing kicks off, I think the kind of language and aggression on display is completely inappropriate for a young child. I don’t have the same problem with rugby or tennis or swimming or rowing or actually any sport I can think of except maybe boxing/cage fighting. Football is supposed to be our national sport so isn’t that sad? I’m no expert but you don’t seem to get that at other types of events. We lived close to the Millenium Stadium for years and the difference in atmosphere surrounding a rugby game and a football match was striking.

I realise not all footballers are terrible but then why are the rest of them letting their colleagues get away with acting like this? Money, of course. If they help the team win, bring in sponsorship and sell merchandise they can do what they like. So, unfortunately, I think these sorts of things are inevitable as long as they are never held to account and never see any serious consequences for their actions. 

On the up side though the fact that there is so much money involved does mean there is something we can do about this. It’s easy. Stop giving them our money! By this I mean not just avoiding buying the ridiculously overpriced t-shirts but considering their sponsors and advertisers as well. From now on I am resolved to hold the people financing the thuggish behaviour to account and I hope other mums will do the same.

And we’re off…

There’s no denying I have to call T a toddler now. What happened to my tiny baby? Continue reading

I Spy…


Mum of OneIt’s time for I Spy again but this week could be a challenge as that pesky Motherventing has picked a tough one for us. It’s so easy to get involved if you want to join in. You just have to post a photo for Mum Of One’s choice of letter and let us all have a guess.
So this week it is:
I spy with my
little eye something
beginning with…

So what’s this then? I have to admit it is the only thing I think of when you say X. E calls it his ‘bash’ although that is more indicative of how he uses it than its actual name. Continue reading